" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-01-25 LOST...again

For those of you who haven't been watching LOST despite my constantly telling you to, perhaps because you are afraid you have missed too much already, next week's TV GUIDE (Jan 30-Feb 5) has an insider's guide. It is pretty thorough and provides descriptions of each character, as wel as a short summary of all 14 episodes that have aired thus far.

Of course, maybe you aren't watching because you could care less, or because my shameless plugs are both annoying and unwanted but, just in case it you aren't watching for the reasons mentioned in the previous paragraph...you now have a means of catching up on what has gone on so far.

Of course, the descriptions and summaries are not anywhere near as good as watching the show, but they do give you a good baseline from which to start.

So, if you are interested, check out the TV GUIDE for more information!

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2005-01-25 More Snow

It is quite possible that Emily and Katherine may not have school tomorrow. Yikes.

We are expecting another 4-8 inches of snow tomorrow. This is crazy...it is only January! We still have a month or two(or you know maybe 3 given that this is New England weather we are talking about)of winter left.

They have had the past two days off...and tomorrow is a possibility as well.

At this rate, school will be in session until August.

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2005-01-25 Trading Spaces

I think I may have inadvertently gotten my kids hooked on Trading Spaces. Oops.

Not that there is anything wrong with that really. It is afterall a great show which Ryun and I used to regularly watch until POker took over his world. I still toon in rather frequently and the other day, the kids were looking for something to watch so I ordered them Trading Spaces Boys Vs. Girls. They have now watched that episode a few times, as well as one I ordered for myself the other night (gotta love ON DEMAND).

Maybe this new found love of this show will inspire them to keep their room clean and neat?

Yeah right.

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2005-01-25 Blizzard Pics

So, we had a blizzard here over the weekend.

Snow fell Saturday night, in to a good part of Sunday. When all was said and done, we got 3 feet of snow! Some of the drifts are huge...over 6 feet high in some places, and you really can not even tell that there is a cranberry bog in front of my house.

Here are some pictures I took during the storm.

Yes, my car is in there somewhere.

A lovely shot of my insane husband attempting to shovel in the middle of a blizzard.

I believe I mentioned in a previous entry that the snow drifts had landed in such a way that our stairs to enter the house were clear. Well, Ryun opened the door to go out and we figured out where exactly the snow had landed...inbetween the door and the screendoor, hence the picture above.

And finally, a picture taken from the deck, attempting to show you the depth of the snow. The drift is almost as high as the deck railing!

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2005-01-25 JJ UPDATE

Guess what? Julia's Journal has been updated!

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2005-01-23 Blizzard

We are having an all out blizzard here today...and I believe it is the worst I've seen(or at least remember seeing) in my lifetime. I was alive fot the Blizzard of 78 but I was only 2 1/2 years old.

My car is buried up to it's head lights, and you can't even see the bog that is 10 feet in front of my house. It's kind of cool to see the drifts...Ryun won't even have to shovel the pathway to the stairs because there is no snow there. Funny how that worked out.

I would go out and take pictures but I might get blown away. Seriously, the winds are hurricane strength, that according to the weather team at 7 News.

I love snowstorms. It's just so much fun to camp out around the house and be completely lazy! Last night was fun too. The storm started around 5 or 6 or so. Ryun and the girls took over the livingroom and watched Shrek 2. I took a nice hot shower, and spent the rest of the night reading in bed. We had the entire family in our bedroom last night, thinking that if we lost power at least the kids would be with us, and we could throw blankets on them if neccesary.

I spent the better part of yesterday cleaning and cooking. I made a roast beef dinner, complete with mashed potatoes (or in Katherine speak, "squished potatoes"), gravy, and a yummy apple crisp for desert. I cleaned the entire bottom floor of the house and finally managed to organize disaster that was my scrapbooking desk.

Ryun spent the day at his sister's house, fixing the snowblower that we borrowed for today. He thought he was just going to pick it up, but when he got there and tried to start it, it didn't start. He fixed the fuel line and a few other parts and it worked. YAY! My husband can fix anything, I swear to God. Seriously, he is so crafty and always comes up with a creative way to get things to work, even if it isn't neccesarily the "correct" way of doing it. He even fixes most problems with cars...and thank God. His labor is "cheap." LOL.

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