" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-01-18 Family Meetings

Tonight we(meaning we as a family) will host the first of what I hope is many "family meetings." I have always thought the idea was a good one, but didn't think that the kids were old enough until now. Julia will observe (though with the amount of talking she has been doing lately, who knows, she may have a valid contribution!).

I have a schedule all set...every two weeks we will meet, to go over the past two weeks, share any concerns we have, review our emergency phone numbers and fire safety, and take turns planning a "family event" to take place on the inbetween weeks. I have planned the first one...a family game night next Friday.

Ihave made folders for each of us in which we will keep anything we want to discuss at the next scheduled meeting. Katherine will need a little help with this aspect but Emily will be able to write down her ideas on her own.

I also plan on introducing the "Celebration Book" I had mentioned a while back this is a book I have made in which we will record the years' events (within our family) and review at the end of next year.

Sometimes I sit here and think about how quickly time goes by, and how much busier life seems to get the older the children get and I think to myself, "I don't want to waste a minute." No matter how busy we get, I think these meetings will help bring it back to where it all started...with the creation of our family.

Seriously, is there anything more important?

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