" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-01-12 Hour

What a difference an hour makes.

Emily had a 1 hr delay due top the inclement weather, so our whole day started an hour later than usual. We didn't get up until 7:30(I am usually up by 6:30 and the older two girls at 7, Julia wakes at 6:30 or so to eat), she didn't get out to the bus until 9, and now it's 1:00 and the day is almost gone.

I used to dread getting up in the morning. Now I welcome that extra 1/2 hour in the morning before we have to get going for the day. I usually spend it feeding Julia, drinking a lesiurley cup of coffee, while I watch the morning news. I never watch the news any other time...I just find it to depressing for the kids to see that crap that is always on.

Anyway, as nice as it was to sleep a little later than usual, I did miss my 1/2 hour. Oh well.

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2005-01-12 JJ Update

Julia's Journal has been updated!

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2005-01-11 Homemade

Last night we had dinner on homemade placemats, courtesy of the one and only Katherine Elizabeth.

Seriously, things like homemade placemats and family dinners just make me all warm inside.

I love having a family...more importantly I love being a member of this one.

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2005-01-11 Ham and Cheddar Loaf

I tried a new recipe today and boy was it yummy!

Here it is, with before and after to pictures!

Ham and Cheedar Loaf

1lb frozen pizza or bread dough, thawed.
1 pkg Oscar Mayer Deli Style Ham
1 c shredded cheddar
1/4 c mayonaisse
1 egg, beaten
1 tbsp grated cheese

1. Preheat oven to 350.

2. Roll dough in to rectangle.

3. Top with ham, leaving 1 inch border on all sides.

4. Mix cheddar and mayonaisse, spread over ham.

5. Moisten edge of dough with water. Fold long sides over, pinch together. PLace seam side down on lightly greased cookie sheet. 6.Cut diagonal slits across, brush with egg, sprinkle with parmesan. 7. Bake for 35-40 minutes, or until golden brown. and now for the finshed (and yummy) product....

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2005-01-11 Because this is my life...

Did I mention in my last entry that Katherine had a flu shot yesterday? I don't remember and I am too lazy to go back and look. So yeah, sorry if I am repeating my self or whatever.

I was just sitting here, organizing my desk while Katherine was watching "Flight Of The Navigator" for the umpteenth time behind me on the couch. All of a sudden I said to myself, "Self, it's really quiet back there. Let me take a look and see what is going on."

I did, and found her curled up in a ball, sleeping on the couch...at 9:15 in the morning.

Does this ever happen? Yes, but normally not until 3 or 4 in the afternoon, after a full day of running around, talking, and playing like the 5 year old child that she is.

So of course, thinking I am being a good mom, I decided she should get the vaccination.

And the goddamn thing gave her the flu.

And oh yeah, Ryun is getting laid off as of today.

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2005-01-10 Busy weekend

I haven't updated in a couple of days...not for lack of anything going on...more like lack of time.

It was a busy weekend. I finally finished the undecorating of the house which was nice. As much as I love the holidays...it was nice to see the final part of them gone.

Ryun's grandparents came down on Sunday so we could exchange gifts and then we went to my parents house for a family dinner. Katherine was cranky as all hell but other than that, it was good.

Speaking of Katherine, she had her five year physical today. Everything is good which is always a nice thing to hear. She gained 5 lbs and grew two inches in a year. Last year she gained 11 lbs in a year and the doctor was slightly concerned about her weight. So, I switched to skim milk and diet soda(when I actually let her have soda in any form) and have limited juice drinking to breakfast only, one cup with no refills. Apparently, these slight changes have made a big enough difference and he was pleased. I was too I might add. She had a flu shot which apprently is now reccomended for children who have an infant in the family.

So yeah that's it, or at least that's all I want to write about here.

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2005-01-07 No Cranberries?

I went to the store last night in a attempt to get the ingredients to make this.

I had some regular food shopping to do as well so I did that while I was there. I had trouble finding only one ingredient neccesary to make the cranberry pie...cranberries.

Okay...a little background here. I live in the area of the globe known locally (and probably historically) as "the cranberry capital of the world." Ocean Spray, probably the largest distributor of cranberries ever, is headquartered about 5 minutes from the store in which I was shopping. Honestly, I don't think you could drive for 5 minutes in this neck of the woods without seeing at least 5 or 6 bogs.

So knowing all of this, I thought that I must have been looking in the wrong place...produce was my first stop...I even went to frozen foods to see if they had cranberries there.

I asked a store employee after having no success who informed me that they didn't stock them after the holdiays.


Cranberries are considered a "seasonal item" here in the cranberry capital of the world?

It wasn't a big deal...I just found it odd, if not a bit humorous.

I decided to substitute with blueberries which Ryun was happy about.

Because yeah, he doesn't like cranberries. Which I think might be against some kind of law if you live here. It should be against the law anyway.

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