" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-01-03 This Week's To Do List

1. Undecorate house.

2. Re-decorate with "everyday" decorations.

3. Construct "Celebration" book. *


* I am putting together a book in which I ( or more appropriately "we" as a family) will keep track of important events throughout the year(birthdays, report cards, or any thing we find worthy of celebration). The book will include pictures, writing, mementos and whatever else we think should be included. At the end of this year or at least by the beginning of next we will sit down together for a year in review type of thing. Remember I am a self-admitted geek, but damn if I am not the cutest one you have ever known.

**Yes, we have a room...just waiting for Julia to live in. It's big, it's empty (well except for the huge pile of baby clothes I have to organize...ones that are either too small or too big) and all it needs is a fresh paint job some furniture, and, well a baby. Yup, it's called pro-cras-tin-a-tion. Say it with me now...

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2005-01-03 Pictures from New Year's Eve

For lack of anything more exciting to post...

Pictures from New Year's Eve!

A nice picture if I do say so myself. Thats my friend Kelly on the left, me, Jeff, and Michael. Michael and Kelly are married...Jeff's wife Jen is taking the picture, and my husband was reclining in a chair watching tv. Yeah.

From the left...Kelly Michael, Jen, Jeff, me and Ryun.

B serving Kelly a tequila shot I think. Which, yes, I did partake in...the shots not tequila though. It was of course a Kalhua based shot with chocolate liquer added. Last time I did a shot before New Years? Pre-children. Long time. Still felt fine the next morning though, go me.

Michael and Ryun being...Michael and Ryun.

This is a picture of my friend Bill and I. This tradition started years ago...everytime we get together, and a camera is available(which hello is like always when I am around!) Bill holds the camera out and takes a picture of us. Incidently, this is one of the best ones yet. He is 6 ft tall...I am 5 ft 4 in...usually he cuts my chin off or something. But yeah, not bad huh?

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2005-01-01 Reflections On A Year Gone By

As the holiday season comes to a close, we all tend to reflect on the blessings that have been bestowed on us and look to the future with hope. In our family, the blessings we are most thankful for are, put simply, each other.

Each new year brings with it a new sense of hope, and is the perfect time to reflect on the year just passed.

To say that this past year has been an interesting one would be putting it mildly. It seems that each year seems to pass just a bit faster then the one before, which I think is just part of being a parent.

It�s weird to think that at this time last year, I had just finished my 1st month of pregnancy�and now we have this beautiful little girl that we can�t imagine life without. I have been blessed many times over�but there is no greater blessing then that of children. I will never know what I did to deserve such joy, but I am more grateful then I could ever begin to express.

It seems to me that the first half of 2004 passed on a breeze�no hugely significant events, just the everyday things.

Then, the end of June/beginning of July came, and more than made up for the �boring� months that had just passed.

Without any doubt, the month of July was the most �emotionally charged� period of time anyone in this family has ever experienced.

Emily was diagnosed with Epilepsy and Julia made her appearance�all within three weeks time. Between hospital stays, tests upon tests, trips back and forth to Boston, and oh yeah, 20 hours of labor(but who�s counting) I honestly think my strength as a human being was put to the test.

People actually commented on how well I took everything. I didn�t cry once(well except when Julia was placed on my abdomen but please, that just doesn�t count because, well, tears of joy are ok).

Not crying to some may be a bad thing(�let it all out� seems to be the motto of this day and age) but I didn�t cry because I didn�t need to. Somehow, I just knew (know) that everything would work out and that no matter what, Emily was still �Emily� and that she had the strength and will power to overcome anything that would be thrown her way.

Most people wondered how the stress of it all didn�t send me in to labor. That was where my easy going nature really worked to my benefit. Most people in their 9th month of pregnancy pray that they will go sooner rather than later. Not me�I prayed that Julia would wait�at least until we had this thing with Emily figured out.

This �thing� with Emily still isn�t figured out, and maybe it never will be. No matter�just knowing that Emily is and always will be my little girl is more than enough to get us through whatever her �medical� future holds. She really is an inspirational little girl�she makes you want to stay positive.

Looking back at the time, I often wonder if Julia may have been the very reason I didn�t �freak out� when Emily was diagnosed. Like maybe she was given to us by God at just the right time�sort of to balance out the good with the bad?

What does the future hold for any of us? One never knows�which to me makes it all the more worth the wait.

Emily will enter 3rd grade.

Katherine will enter kindergarten.

Julia will turn 1.

Ryun and I will celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary.

And�I will turn 30.

All of these things are pretty much a guarentee.

As for the rest...I look forward to finding out.

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

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