" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2004-12-28 Number 5 in My Book

Katherine:(to Mama first thing in the morning) "You look beautiful."

Mama: "Anyone who tells me I look beautiful first thing in the morning is number 1 in my book."

Katherine: "Actually I am number 5."

Her logic?

She is five years old, so she has to be number 5. Makes sense, no?

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2004-12-28 Advertisement

Advil Cold and Sinus...rocks. Just an FYI.

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2004-12-28 Sick

I am most definitely getting a cold/sinus infection. Yuck. I am going to see how it goes over the next day or two and if I don't feel like it's just a run of the mill cold, I will go to the doctor.

My sister Suzanne had a sinus infection and bronchitis so maybe i caught it from her. She had been on antibiotics for two days though so she probably wasn't contagious still.

Today has been a very productive day...and it's not even half way over yet. I have managed to fold and put away clothes, set up three Barbie sets Emily and Katherine got for Christmas, and clean their room with them. This may not seem like a lot but have you ever put together a Barbie set? Can we say 50 million little pieces...that all have a very specific spot that they need to go? Not fun...and very time consuming.

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2004-12-28 Life Changing Decisions

Emily: "Mama, I haven't made a definite decision yet, but I think I might want to be an artist when I grow up because, look how good I drew this picture."

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2004-12-28 Overheard In Our House

Emily(playing with Barbies, talking in her room where we have a baby monitor setup in case of seizure):"It's only 10:00 in the morning and my hair is already messed up."

Yup, she is definitely my mother's granddaughter.

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