" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2004-12-27 Scenery and cute children

Julia didn't have quite the reaction I was expecting...she fell asleep lying in the snow! The girls had fun...building castles and of course, throwing snow!

Here are some pics...

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2004-12-27 No Plow=No Work

Well, it doesn't look like Ryun will be making it to work today. Our driveway is usually plowed but they haven't made it this way yet. I think the road that leads out over the train tracks is plowed by the town and that hasn't even been touched yet so, even if Ryun managed to shovel himself out of the driveway...he still would have nowhere to go.

In a few minutes, I am going to get all bundled up and go take some pictures. I love the look of freshly fallen snow...everything looks so fresh and clean. I remember as a kid hating it when my father left for work early in the morning and trampled through the snow before I had gotten a chance to see it.

We are planning on taking the kids out to play...Julia included. I can't wait to see her reaction!

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2004-12-27 Mother Nature Screws Up

It is snowing here...a lot! We have about 15 inches so far, with more on the way. When all is said and done, we could have upwards of about a foot and a half! The kids are bouncing off the walls between wanting to go out and play in it and wanting to open and set up every last one of the toys Santa and others brought.

Mother Nature sure screwed up though...snow the day after Christmas...that just is not right.

I can't believe the horrible news coming out of Asia. That is just so...sad. Over 21,00 people have died...and the number is still rising. Is an earthquake considered a weather event? I think so...again I say what the heck Mother Nature?

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2004-12-26 YAY!

Forgot to mention...I got the one present I asked for...a combo gift from...well everybody. The Epson Picture Mate! Yay for printing quality digital pictures at home!

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2004-12-26 The Ellis Family Christmas...with pictures

I have meaning to do a "Christmas update" for hours upon hours but in between setting up toys, taking care of the three monkeys, and just general striaghtening, this is the first time I have sat down all day.

Santa spoiled the kids as usual and everyone, inclding Julia(who was mainly fascinated with the wrapping paper) had a great time. Emily and Katherine were very happy with their gifts...they especially loved the Swan Lake Barbie Castle that Santa brought and the Barbie Take Along Tunes Jeep from Mimi and Papa. They went out after dinner and rode around my parents front yard/driveway.

Dinner at my parents was nice. I made the mashed potatoes and fudge...and was highly complimented on both.

After dinner, we went over to Ryun's Uncle's house and exchanged gifts with his family. Emily and Katherine were very happy to see their cousins and had a great time playing. We left and went back to my parents, popped in real quick to say hi to my aunt and uncle who had stopped by, and finally went home.

The living room looked like Santa's Workshop...after a bomb exploded. I was way too tired to be bothered though, so once the kids were settled and in bed, I crashed.

I got up this morning, arranged the toys neatly under the tree, cleaned the house, and had my parents and their neighbors over to see tree...and all the toys that were under it.

I will leave you with some pictures from Christmas morning.

A candid shot of Emily and Katherine that I just love.

The girls and I in our matching Christmas PJ's...sent by my Aunt Susan because she knows that I am a geek like that(no really...I have always though that it would be so cute for us all to be matching!).

The "whole family" at my sister Suzanne's hous on Christmas Eve.

From the left, back row...Dad, Mom, Me, Ryun holding Julia, my sister Heather.

Bottom row...my sister Suzanne, Katherine, Emily, and Suzanne's husband John.

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