" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2004-12-11 Abrupt

The water is fixed. The craft fair I mentioned a while back(taking place at my sister's workplace) went well. Over the past three nights I have slept for a grand total of just 13 hours. Considering that I am used to at least six a night, let's just say I am in pretty rough shape, and, I think I am getting a cold to boot. Fun. Anyway, that should explain the lack of entries and the abruptness of this one. Now, if you don't mind, I think I will go to bed. THE END.

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2004-12-09 No Water, No Coffee, No Shower

Our water isn't working...like at all. Pump won't come on, toilets can't flush, showers can't be taken, and perhaps most important given that I was up until 2:30am, coffee can not be made.

It would figure that...

1. I just ran out of spring water which i usually use to make coffee yesterday.

2. I don't get my morning coffee on the night that I am up until the wee hours.

Oh well...the plumber is here as I type so hopefully, it will be fixed soon.

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2004-12-08 OH MY GOD

I love Emily...not that there was any ever doubt but boy did I have to keep repeating that to myself today.

She was home due to conjunctivitis, which oddly enough she had told me that someone in her class had the other day. I guess that is not really odd, given how contagious it is.

Let me just say that thank God the good times and the cuteness outweigh the bad and not so cute times.





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2004-12-08 Cat Poop

Remember Trip?

We have a slight problem and yeah, I feel kind of weird writing about such a topic but what the hell.

We are currently keeping his things in the upstairs bathroom...litter box, food dish etc.

Because I can think of no better way to say this, I am just going to come out with it.

Every once in a while, he poops in the tub.

Umm, yeah.

So anyway,we have tried everything under the sun to get this to stop.

First we put him in the tub just to make sure that he could get out, thinking that he may have been afraid and just went. He exited the tub without a problem.

Then, we turned the water on him everytime he did it hoping that since cats hate water, he would make the connection: "I poop in the tub, I get wet, I don't like to get wet." Didn't work.

Then, brilliant little me suggested spraying the tub down with disinfectant(which we had done with every instance but I meant soaking it) in an attempt to get rid of the smell(not that we could smell it after cleaning but since he was going in the same spot everytime I figured he could smell something). Didn't work.

It is so weird because 90% of the time, he uses his box. I could understand if he went everytime in the tub all of the time(not that it would be ok but it would be obvious that he had a problem but what is up with only doing it once in a while?

Does anybody have any suggestions?

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2004-12-07 Interview report...

So, the interview went well. If I were to hazard a guess, I would say that I have the job but we shall see.

I have about a million or so things I have to do tomorrow so I don't think I will be on at all. Who knows though...I might surprise you!

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2004-12-07 Just Stuff

I have to wrap presents...blah. I hate wrapping...and I am not good at it either. I have basically wrapped all purchased presents...except for those purchased for the kids, which is of course, the majority of what I bought. It is definitely my least favorite holiday task without a doubt.

Ryun and I bought each other tickets to go see Phantom Of The Opera in April. This is all we are doing for presents this year, not that it isn't enough. We are going to be in the 8th row which will be nice. Ryun loves going to all of these little productions around town but he has never been to a real Broadway show.

I have an interview today for a job in Carver as a police dispatcher. I really don't need to work but I do need the interaction for sure. It is just a part time job, two night shifts per week. I think that I can do that but I am already a little weird about leaving the house to work at all. Who knows...it is just an interview and like I said I really don't need the job. I guess I will just see how it goes and take it from there.

Anyhoo, I have a number of things I would like to get done before I have to go so you may not hear much from me today. I will be sure to pop back on later and report on the interview.

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2004-12-06 Two Things...

This year I am going to do two things that I have always wanted to at Christmas time.

What are these two things you may be asking?

Nothing too thrilling mind you but I am looking forward to it.

1. Take my own picture of the girls instead of spending ungodly amounts of money on professional ones when I can do just as well...if not better.

2. Write a family letter. I have always loved getting these from other families at this time of year and figure it's about time that I do one myself.

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2004-12-06 Eric

I just put together a package for Eric...our friend serving in Iraq. I have sent him a few so far...one when he first went almost a year ago, one just for the heck of it, and one for his birthday. This one is for Christmas. I am never quite sure what else I can include besides toiletry type items so that is usually what I send.

I can't even begin to imagine how hard it must be for him to be away from home, around this time of year especially. I certainly hope that just knowing that we are all thinking of him helps in some way.

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2004-12-06 Something Else I Love

Being a Mom. Seriously, I think I could do this one hundred times over...if finances weren't a concern. And if Ryun wanted more children. And if well, he hadn't already seen to it that we can't anymore. Even the 20 hour labor would be ok with me, honestly. I just love my "job"...not that I even think of it as one. There isn't anything more rewarding, and no one can convince me otherwise. No one.

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2004-12-06 Folks...

Folks, We could have a problem.

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