" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2004-12-05 Ryun

Have I ever mentioned how much I love my husband? Like really, really love him? No, I am not being sarcastic, and he didn't do anything special like stack the dishwasher, or fold clothes, or whatever to "earn" an entry like this. I just love him...and miss him. He has only been gone now for 3 hours and I miss him already. And I won't see him until Friday afternoon...and that just makes me sad.

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2004-12-05 Christmas Party and Emily

The Christmas party was great. Ryun's company does such a nice job with everything...from the hotel...to the food...to the gifts they give all employees and their significant others.

I actually had a couple of drinks too, which for me is a little unusual. It diddn't seem to affect me in any way(good or bad) so I guess that was nice.

I talked to Emily's doctor on Friday and he said that Emily's MRI resembles something similar to those who have the Tuberous Sclerosis thing. It's not exactly the same but similar. I am looking forward to her appointment with the other doctor that specializes in this type of thing but, unfortunately, it is not until mid Januuary...at 8:00 in the morning on a Friday. That ought to be a fun drive in to Boston. Yeah.

It sure will be nice to get some definitive results though...if that is at all possible.

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2004-12-03 Christmas Party

Tomorrow night is Ryun's company Christmas party. It is being held on Cape Cod, in Yarmouth to be exact where Ryun's company is based. It's a pretty good deal...they put you up in a hotel for two nights(we are only going for the one though) and then rent out Skippy's Pier One (the entire restaurant) for the party. And...it's open bar all night. So yeah. We leave tomorrow afternoon after Religious Ed class. Suz and John are coming to watch the girls for us...and boy are they excited!

So anyway, I won't be updating for a day or two needless to say.

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2004-12-02 Comments and, umm, insurance companies.

Whee! I have anew comments system and insurance companies suck. Not that those two things are in anyway related but whatever.

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2004-12-02 Tuberous Sclerosis

So, I called to schedule Emily's 3 month followup appointment at Children's and found out that she has an appointment with another doctor to evaluate her for a possible diagnosis of this.

Not only did I not know about this appointment, but I didn't even know that tuberous sclerosis was a possible diagnosis.

So now I am freaking out(probably with no need I realize)because if she does in fact have this, there is a good possibility that Katherine and Julia could have it too. And that is just without a doubt the worst possible thing I could imagine.

Emily was the picture of health until she turned 7...nothing was wrong with her...nothing at all.

One child with a serious medical condition is enough...in fact it's too much.

Just because one child has it does not neccesarily mean the others will and this is not always genetic. Sometimes there is just a "freak" mutation.

As much as I wish Emily did not have to deal with this...I would be ecstatic if she was the only one who had to.

On another and definitely more positive note, I found out that her neurologist sees patients at Cape Cod Hospital every other Thursday! Needless to say, all future appointments will be scheduled there...no more stressful trips to Boston sounds good to me!

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2004-12-01 Welcome Aboard The Polar Express!

And just one more thing before I go off to scrapbook in to the wee hours of the morning...

I hope my kids never, ever stop believing.

An impossibility I know...I just don't ever want the magic of watching a child at Christmas to end.

Katherine: "Mama, where is the North Pole?"

Me; "It's very, very far away."

Katherine: "Can we walk?"

Me: "Oh no, it is way to far away to walk."

Katherine: "I know, we can take the Polar Express!"

See what I mean?

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2004-12-01 Good idea...Bad?

Oh yeah, I decided to make try out this weblog style. What do you think? Good idea? Bad?

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2004-12-01 LOST

OMG. Did anyone see tonight's episode of LOST? Man am I hooked. That show just gets better and better every week. Seriously...if you aren't watching, start. You won't regret it.

Everyone seems to have a different take on the mysteries surrounding the island. Me? I think they are in purgatory.

It has been interesting getting to know everyone's "back" story...their life pre-island. Every week a new "mystery" is unveiled...and it seems like they learn just a little more each week about the island and those on it.

It also seems like there is some kind of a "clifhanger" at the end of each episode. There is just no way you can miss the next one to see what happens. Just no way.

This week they found out that someone they thought was on the plane wasn't. He was already on the island and of course he is some kind of psycho which I determined by watching the previews for next week.

I don't think I have ever looked forward to watching a show this much.

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2004-12-01 Emily and teenager=NOT ALLOWED

Emily cut her hair...again...for like the third time in her life...the second time in two weeks.

She has been forbidden from using any type of scissors for one month...except for school related projects and of course while she is at school.

We are going to need to get her hair cut now...at least to even out the bangs that she now has...after we spent months upon months growing her hair to one length.

Seriously people, I can't even begin to imagine the teenage years. I am not lying when I say that I live in fear of that time period.

Emily and teenager just don't even belong in the same sentence. Or in the same paragraph...or in even the same entry.


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