" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2004-11-22 Pink and Blue

Today while Katherine was at preschool, Julia and I went and finished the rest of my Thanksgiving shopping. Did I mention that I was having dinner here at our house this year?

Anyway, I had Julia dressed completely in pink...from head to toe. Seriously, there was the slightest amount of white in her bib, and a yellow Winnie The Pooh on her coat, other than that, all pink.


An elderly lady came over to me and said (and I am not joking here):"Is it a little boy?"

I looked at her thinking she must be kidding. She wasn't. I said, "No, a little girl."

She commented on how cute she was and we went our separate ways.

I think she must have been blind but I don't know. It appeared that she was by herself...maybe just color blind?

Who knows.

Now I am not one of those moms who insist that my infant girls wear all pink. In fact, I love blue on baby girls. There is something though, about pink on boys that just doesn't seem right. It's probably just because of the way the world is today( and I am not saying that it's right) but I just think that a baby boy in pink is wrong.

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