" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2004-11-23 Katherine Elizabeth

In two short days, Katherine will be five. Five...where does the time go?

This year, as was the case on the year she was born, her birthday falls on Thanksgiving. Of all the holidays to give birth on, I think Thanskgiving is best. Could there be any better reason to give thanks? I doubt it.

Katherine has had a very "exciting" year. She finished up her first year at preschool(which after much aprehension on her part at first, she ended up absolutely loving). She went to Disney World over the summer, and had a new baby sister to boot.

Have I ever talked about how fabulous she was during the whole Emily thing? She watched her sister go through seizures with a remarkable calm that even I envied. When we were waiting for the ambulance the first couple of times and I was busy shouting out orders, "Please go get some clothes on" or "Please pass me that" or whatever I was saying, she did everything I asked, did it immediately, and did it right. For a four year old to react to something so scary with such reason and order...was just amazing.

Now that Julia is a bit more "fun"(reacting to everything we say or do by smiling or talking or, in very, very rare instances crying) Katherine has really started to "like" her. She is constantly talking to her, showing her some of her toys, and eagerly anticipating her sister's reaction. Sometimes all she has to do is look at Julia, and Julia's face just lights up.

Katherine started her second (and oh my God final) year of preschool in September. This year she goes three days per week(last year was just two) and she loves it. She runs out the door and tells me everything that she did...from what she had for snack to who she played with at playtime and all that fell in between.

Katherine is a very affectionate child. She loves to snuggle in bed or on the couch and sometimes she will just run up and hug me, for no apparent reason other than just wanting to be loved. She is definitely Mama's girl.

Katherine's personality, though much of it is her own, is a lot like mine. She is pretty easy going and laid back, although once in a while a little stubborn streak (that she no doubt inherited from Dad) comes shining through.

This Thanksgiving, as in those past, brings us one very good reason among many to be thankful...the joy that is Katherine Elizabeth.

Happy Birthday Katherine!

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