" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2004-09-26 Card Shark Etc.

My husband collects things...sometimes things that he will never, ever need or use. He usually ends up thinking, "I will use these sometime" but then, these various things just sit and collect dust.

For example, he has 164 decks of playing cards, or more specifically, 164 decks of U.S. Playing Card Company cards. They have to be U.S. Playing Cards...or they just don't make the cut.

Think I am exxagerating? Take a look at this.


Another collection Ryun has, which apparently became an obsession as a small child...keys, locks, and anything really related to the steering column of a car. He has rebuilt numerous lock cylinders. He has over 100 chevy key blanks for the lettered ignition keyways from 1967-1994. Key blanks for cars that we will most likey never own unless we buy a car manufactured during that span of time.

Again, I say why?

Ever see the movie "As Good As It Gets"?

It's not quite that bad, but really can we say OCD?

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