" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2004-09-27 I could tell you but then...

Today I somehow managed to feed the baby a bottle, take Katherine's temperature, and tie Emily's shoe...all at the same time.

Talk about doing three things at once. Sheesh.

Katherine woke up today complaining that her right ear hurt. No big surprise here. I just said to Ryun the other day, "Pretty soon Katherine will start getting ear infections again."

No I didn't jinx it, she gets at least 3 or 4 infections every year around this time. I have an appointment to bring her to the doctor at 1:30 this afternoon. Normally, I don't take my children to the doctor the very first time they complain about something(unless it seems to be really serious) but every time Katherine has complained about an earache, it has always turned out to be an infection. So, I am not waiting.

In other news, look what I did.

Who's Bubba you may be asking?

Why that would be my charming and oh so talented husband!

He has been talking about setting up his own journal for awhile now and I have been encouraging him. He is a fabulous writer...and as some real talent to boot!

He can fix/setup/organize anything except of course, the computer. That is where I come in. I can't change a tire but damn, can I design a website! ;) In the case of Bubba's Place however, I was lazy. You may notice that his journal looks very similar to mine. It's called copy and paste, folks. Yeah, I didn't have the time or patience to come up with an orignal design, so I just changed the links, pictures, and color schemes a bit and voila.

Anyway, shhhhhh. This whole thing is a secret...at least for the next few hours it is anyway. I plan on "unveiling" when he arrives home later today.

So you know, just in case you happen to pop on in to the town hall where is currently changing an elevator over, don't tell him?


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