" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2004-09-03 Random "Stuff"


Katie said a new sentence today. We were outside and there was a crow making a hell of a racket in the big willow tree in our backyard. She said, "It's a birdie." Right after she said that, it flew out of the tree and she said (her new sentence), "I knew it!" She says something new everyday now...I sometimes lose track. It's great though, I love hearing her voice.


Today was my 6 week checkup with Amy(my midwife). Everything is fine which is good to know. For some odd reason(I guess I was subconsciously concerned) I had a dream the other night that "something"(I have no idea what) was so wrong that I was going to need surgery. Weird.

I brought Julia with me to the appointment so that Amy could see her. Obviously, she thought she was adorbale! My mother took Emily and Katherine(who was sad that she wasn't going to be able to help measure me even though I must have explained a thousand times that since the baby was out, I wasn't going to be measured).

I went out last night and finished back to school shopping. I saved a lot of money at the Children's Place( I had a 15% off entire purchase coupon).

I also purchased the soundtrack to VH1's documentary series, "I Love The 80's." The series has been fabulous to watch. Some of the long forgotten fads, music, television and personal memories come rushing back everytime I catch it. I am hoping that they come out with a DVD collection as well. This will most definitely be added to the Ellis family video collection.

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