" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2004-03-08 The Letter

Here is the letter I wrote in response to my finding out that I would not be getting a severance package.

Dear Sandy,

I am writing in response to our meeting on Thursday, March 4, 2004 in the Plymouth, MA office. At this meeting you informed me that part-time employees were not going to be getting a severance package.

As a part-time employee, this news was obviously quite upsetting. I was told that I would get one week's pay for every year that I have been employed by Adelphia. This would have been eight weeks pay.

I am shocked that part-time employees were not considered when the decision was made to close this call center. We are not(or shouldn�t be) of any less value to this company than a full-time employee would be.

I should be given what I was told I would receive. I have been with Adelphia for eight years, two of which I was full-time. I have stayed late to cover hours left vacant by sick or vacationing co-workers. I worked throughout the introduction and destruction of convergence. When this call center first went twenty four hours, I acted as a supervisor without any additional pay or recognition. I have even worked on the phones completely alone in the building.

During my time here I have always done my best to represent the company and service the customers well. I am and always have been dedicated to servicing and helping my customers and fellow workers alike.

For my efforts and for the mere fact that I have worked here for eight years, I deserve the severance I was told I would receive. Anything less than that is simply unacceptable.

I look forward to your response.

Probably won't get me anywhere but at least I vented, right?

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