" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2004-03-05 Adelphia hate part 5

Adelphia sucks.

Just in case I haven't said that enough already.

I went in for my meeting and found out that part-time employees were not included in the severence packages.

WTF? Am I any less valuable than a full-time employee? Have I not worked there for 8 stinking years, 2 of which I was full-time? Have I not acted as a supervisor in the past without any extra compensation or even the slightest amount of recognition? Have I not stayed late or even worked completely by myslef when someone either called in or left ealry?

I am so mad...and yes, I am writing a letter. I was told I would get one weeks pay for every year I have worked there. That would have been 8 weeks. It's not just about the money either. It's the principle. I deserve the 8 weeks I will told I would get.

I don't give a *&^% if the company is in bankruptcy. Not my fault...why should I suffer? There is still money coming in...find a way to give me what I am entitled to...what I was told I would get.

They suck. I will of course post an entry when the letter is done.

Just for the heck of it, I have imported a few Adelphia related entries from my old journal to this one. Check the last few entries for a brief history of my "Adelphia hate" entries.

Also, on the way home from my meeting, I freakin' got a flat tire.

It was so not my night.

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