" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2004-01-14 Quick update

I haven't updated here in almost one week. That's a long time for me ...at least lately anyway. I haven't really had anything to say.

Emily and Katherine are better...and they have been for a good 4 days or so. I am hoping, really hoping that the "germs" in the air are gone and that I won't get it.

I am in the process of "organizing" the house. I go through these phases every once in a while. I reorganized all of my kitchen cabinets the other day...and now I don't know where anything is...LOL. I cleaned the closet in the foyer and am going to tackle the playroom next. Fun, fun, fun. Mandy is coming over to paint/stencil in the playroom next week so, I want it all ready when she comes.

Upadated the pregnancy journal too...check it out.

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