" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2003-10-17 Anyone want two cats?

Anyone want two abosolutely adorable cats? Katherine is severely allergic to them so, we have to give them away. I can not find anyone to take them...all of the shelters are full or don't take cats and we can't find anyone outside of a shelter to take them.

What other options are there? I couldn't possibly have them put to sleep or just leave them somewhere. They have been indoor cats for three and a half years now...they wouldn't know what to do outside. That and the thought of anything happening to them just breaks my heart.

So really, if you or anyone you know wants them, email me. I will tell you alll about them and even forward a picture. They really are the cutest.

I have spent the day going through clothes, putting away the summer ones and getting out the winter. Not a fun task I tell you. I always wash the clothes that have been packed away...even though they were originally packed clean. Washing them gives them that fresh, clean smell. So now, I have tons of laundry to do and I despise laundry. Ughh........

I am so tired today. I stayed up to watch SOX/YANKS game last night...very late. They lost but it was a good game and this is far as the SOX have come since 1986. I might try to go to bed early tonight but...While You Were Out is on and I hate missing that. So, we will see.

I haven't had the time to sit down and upload pictures yet, but I will. Maybe tonight during the show. The camera is awesome though and I have taken some nice shots of the train tracks and the paths that lead into the great beyond. Some foliage pics too. And of course some of the kids. Obviously.

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