" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2003-10-14 These are a few of my favorite things

An entry from my previous journal...for any new readers.

Name: Sharon Marie (Sullivan) Ellis

Nickname: Shazzy, Shaz

Birthday: October 4, 1975

Zodiac sign: Libra

single/married/partnered/divorced: married

children: 2, Emily and Katherine


Color: green

number: 7

Quote: "I keep my friends as miser do their treasure because, of all things granted to us by wisdom, none is greater, or better than friendship." Unknown

singers: Garth Brooks, Jimmy Buffett

Favorite songs by above mentioned singers: Why Don't We get Drunk and Screw(Buffett) If Tomorrow Never Comes(Brooks)

food: italian

non-alcoholic drink: Coca Cola

alcoholic: anything with Kahlua

TV shows: ER Will and Grace American Dreams Angel

websites: the one you are currently looking at (lol) whdh.com, classmates.com,

Soundtrack: Nottinghill

Cereal: Raisin Bran

Vegetable: brocoli

Meat: steak

Board game: umm...Candyland

Magazine: O

This or That

Chicken or the egg? Egg, by some miracle of God

1/2 empty or 1/2 full: was it full and you drank half of it? If yes, half empty. If you only filled it half way, half full.

Sketchers or Nike: Sketchers

Apple or orange juice: Orange

Coffee or tea: coffee, on occasion

Bath or Shower: Bath

snow or sun: both

What kind of shampoo do you use? Thermasilk

What kind of car do you drive? A 199 Mecury Sable

What was your first car? A 1986 Monte Carlo

Your favorite/dream car: Dodge Intrepid...I don' know why, I just like it

Names of any future children? If we have any...boy: Brendan Ryun Girl...probably Sarah Jane, maybe Sarah Rose, but definitely Sarah...with an "H"

Ever been to a Broadway show: Yup...Les Miserables and I loved it!

Physical attribute most complimented on by members of the opposite sex: my long thick red hair...for some reason, men love it.

Funniest person you know personally: My father

Silliest/stupidist/most daring thing you have ever done while drunk: went skinny dipping in a public pond.

Which friend would you be from the NBC show "Friends"? I am not really too much like any of them but if I had to pick one I would be Monica.

If you were to perform in the circus, which act would you perform in? No clue...the lion tamer I guess...yeah right.

If you could star in a love scene with any living actor who would it be and where would you want it filmed? Ben Affleck and who the hell cares where? I am with Ben...

If you could be a contestant on any game show, which show would you pick? Millionaire or The Price is Right

If you had to rely on one person only in any difficult situation, who would it be? myself

If you had to name your 3 greatest accomplishments in your life thus far, what would they be? Emily, Katheirine, and just being a good person

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