" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2003-10-14 101 things

Everything you ever wanted to know...and so much more!

1. My name is Sharon but most people call me Shaz or Shazzy.

2. My sister Suzanne gave me that nickname when we were younger and she was learning how to talk.

3. I believe in ghosts, aliens, and the sixth sense.

4. I have experienced a real life ghost story.

5. My favorite color is green.

6. I love country music, especially Garth Brooks.

7. I am a redheaded Irish woman with a stubborn streak. You have been warned.

8. I had my gallbladder removed when I was seven months pregnant with my first child.

9. Her name is Emily Terese.

10. My maternal grandmothers first name is Terese, hence, Emily's middle name.

11.Her sister and my second born child's name is Katherine Elizabeth.

12. We call her Katie.

13. I am 28 years old.

14. I live in Middleboro, MA.

15. Kahlua and milk is my favorite drink.

16. I like cranberry juice and Malibu rum too.

17. I have been married for 5 years.

18. I was born in Quincy, MA.

19. I was raised in Carver, MA...the cranberry capital of the world...woo hoo!

20. I love watching hockey.

21. I am obsessed with the NBC hit drama, ER.

22. I can sing the entire Barney themse song word for word.

23. My husband Ryun knows the redline T stops from Braintree to Alewife and back in order. Sick I know.

24. There is nothing in this world more important to me than my family and friends.

25. Rootbeer floats are my favorite icecream drink.

26. Emily, Katie and Ryun love peppermint stick.

27. I really never like icecream that much until I got pregnant with Emily.

28. Ryun and I kept the local Friendly's in business during my 9 month pregnancy.

29. I work 4 nights a week as a Customer Service Rep for Adelphia. Yes, I am insane.

30. I attended Merrimack College for two years, majoring in Sociology.

31. I hated it and withdrew.

32. I loved the neighborhood I grew up in.

33. If my parents ever sell my childhood home, I hope they sell it to me.

34. My great, great grandfather on my fathers side brought the 1st hockey team over to the United States from Canada.

35. My great grandfather on my mothers side went to Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy's tenth birthday party.

36. My uncle had St. Patricks Day dinner at The White House with former President Bill Clinton and now Senator Hillary Clinton. He is also a good friend of former President Jimmy Carter.

37. I once saw and said hello to former Celtics great, Robert Parrish.

38. I went to see New Kids On The Block 4 times. Yes, I said 4.

39. The best concert I have ever seen was Jimmy Buffett.

40. I love sappy love stories.

41. My favorite movie ever is Return to Me.

42. Ben Affleck is in my professional, unjaded opinion God's gift to the world.

43. I am registered as an independent but in most cases vote for the democratic candidate.

44. I love all things Disney, but especially Winnie the Pooh and his gang.

45. I have absolutely no short term memory.

46. In fact, I forget what I just typed.

47. I have only ever had stitches twice...once when I had my gallbladder removed and once after delivering Emily.

48. I have never broken a bone.

49. Emily in her short 6 year existence has made 3 emergency room visits.

50. Katie has had one in her 3 years.

51. I am the spitting image of my father.

52. Katie looks just like me, therefore, she looks like my father.

53. I could eat an entire box of Mint Milano's. I never would, but I sure as hell could.

54. I went skinny dipping in 1996 in a public pond with friends.

55. My future husband stole my clothes off of the beach.

56. Thank God a male friend let me borrow his really long t shirt.

57. Ryun returned the clothes shortly therafter.

58. I think my best feature is my hair.

59. My worst feature? My feet. Nothing wrong with them...there actually quite nice as far as feet go. I just hate feet, hate them with a passion. Except baby feet.

60. My favorite season is fall. New England is just beautiful during that time of year. Oh yeah, and my birthday is in October.

61. I am a stay at home mom and damn proud of it.

62. Emily and Katie are my best friends.

63. I played soccer, softball and basketball as a child.

64. Once I got a line drive in the eye...OUCH.

65. I hate brussel sprouts.

66. I love brocoli.

67. If I ever decided to go back to school I would most likely major in Communications with a minor in PR.

68. I love Survivor.

69. I teach religious education every Saturday.

70. I have a deep voice.

71. When I was in first grade my deep voice earned me the part of the mirror in our class play, Snow White.

72. "Her lips blood red, her hair like night, her skin like snow, its snow white." Those were my lines, or something similar anyway.

73. That was the only play I was ever in.

74. Well, in college I was the box office manager and the costume coordinator for the Onstagers. But, I wasn't technically in the shows.

75. My middle name is Marie.

76. My confirmation name is Frances.

77. My maiden name is Sullivan.

78. I was a Peer Leader in high school and in college.

79. I did not drink, smoke, or have sex until I went to college.

80.Now, I drink very occasionally and am repulsed byt the thought of having a cigarette in my mouth.

81. My favorite subjects in school were English and American History.

82. I hated Math and Science, especially Math.

83. Someday I want to visit Ireland.

84. I would also like to visit Austraila.

85. I think that childbearing/birth are the most beautiful experiences in the world.

86. I want to live long enough to enjoy my great grandchildren.

87. I think that God gave woman the honor and priviledge or childbearing because he knew that a man could not handle the pain.

88. I believe in God.

89. I do not attend church regularly.

90. I love a nice summer day with a warm breeze.

91. My favorite number is 7. No real reason why, its lucky I guess.

92. I love to be outdoors.

93. I love the mountains and would kill for a view of them outside my bedroom window.

94. I HATE laundry with a passion.

95. I have two adorable cats named Joey and Pal.

96. Someday I want to get a dog. A big, rough and tumble, roll around in the grass type of dog. Like a Golden Retriever or a Lab.

97. I love when people sign my Guestbook (hint,hint).

98. I am a night owl. I hardly ever go to bed befor midnight.

99. My favorite type of food is italian.

100. I love an English accent.

101. I am from Massachusetts. And yes, I pahk the cah.

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