" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2005-03-27 Easter

Happy Easter!

And YAY for waking up to a beautiful blue sky!

Emily, Katherine and Julia enjoyed the morning immensely. Julia absolutely loved her key ring that the Easter Bunny brought her and Emily and Katherine thought their "favorite color" jumpropes were fantastic.

The Easter Bunny is very smart you know. Not only did "she" bring jump ropes in their favorite colors, but she also brought a bag of candy for Ryun...so he wouldn't eat all of Emily and Katherine's. Told you "she" smart.

We are going to my sister's for dinner. I made everyone home made Easter cards, punch a hole through the top corner of the card, and tied a baggie full of Easter candy to each card.

Anyway, here are some pictures.

The above mentioned card/bag thingy.

Em and Katherine checking out their "loot."

Julia, holding her green checked bunny.

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