" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2004-10-15 Different not Stupid

I might vote for George Bush.

But then again, I might vote for John Kerry. This does not make me a stupid person. It makes me a person who is exercising something called freedom of choice.

I base my decisions on what I feel will beenfit my family most.

Call me selfish but to me, that's all that really matters.

If I feel personally that John Kerry will do a better job for my family, than dammit, that is who I will vote for.

Same goes for George Bush.

I have a right to my opinion...and if you don't like it, that's your right.

Don't call me stupid though. I happen to be a very well educated person...not that an education is the only thing that makes me smart. I have a little thing called life experience too...which may in fact have taught me more than a standard education ever could.

One thing I know for sure...I live in a country where freedom of choice is mine.

My thoughts, choices or opinions may not be the same as the person next to me. That doesn't make me stupid...nor does it make the person next to me stupid. It makes us different.

That's it.

Just different...and there is nothing wrong with that.

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