" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2004-09-28 Old School Entries

Around the time of my Emily and Katherine's birthday's, I always write an entry for them. Here are two from my old journal..one for Emily and one for Katherine, who at the time was still being called "Katie."

June 1 2002 Happy Birthday Emily! June 1, 1997...the day I had the privilege, the honor of meeting my beautiful daughter for the first time.
There are simply no words to describe the first time a mother holds her newborn child in her arms, no words at all. I remember looking down at her in awe and disbelief saying to Ryun, "We made her, she is our daughter. " The miracle of childbirth is just that...a miracle.
It is impossible to understand the love of a parent until you become one. It is limitless. There are no boundaries. It truly is unconditional. I remember being pregnant with Katherine and thinking that there was just no way I could love another like I love my Emily. Obviously, I did and do, it just seemed impossible. Having Katherine actually taught me to love Emily in a completely different way. I loved her for being her, I loved Katie for being Katie, and I loved them both for what they would mean to each other.
Emily is put simply, the best kind of child any parent could ever want or hope for. She is caring, considerate, sweet, and smart. She has this way about her, a certain charm that just melts my heart on a daily basis.
I am thankful for everyday I get to share with Emily. She brings joy to every aspect of our lives. She is a wonderful daughter, sister, and friend.
I don't know what I did to deserve to be blessed with the two most precious children in the world, but I sure am glad I did it. They enrich me, they complete me, they are my two most beautiful baby girls.

November 20, 2004 On November 25 Katie will be two! The year she was born, November 25 was Thanksgiving. Needless to say, Ryun and I had one very good reason among many to be thankful...the arrival of a beautiful baby girl! I can still remember joking around with my mother the day before Katie was born about how I hoped that I would not be able to enjoy the potatoes and squash I was peeling because I would be too busy delivering a baby. As it turned out, my mother saved a plate for me, which Ryun ended up eating because I was not hungry.
As if it was not hard enough for me to deal with the fact that she is two, she had the nerve to learn how to swing one leg up over the crib rail. This means she will soon be in a bed...one major step out of babyhood! I can still remember when she was in the cradle like it was yesterday. As most parents will agree, time seems to go at warp speed once you become a parent.
Now that Katie is getting older, everyone asks us when we are going to have "the" baby boy. I find this question very odd because last I knew, there was no "surefire way" (if you'll pardon the expression!) of guaranteeing the sex of a child. The truth is that, even if there was I don't think we will be having another...at least not any time soon. We are happy with the two that we have.
I love how people refer to the possible child in our future as "the" baby boy. As if "he" already exists. Next, they'll be giving him a name and social security number! For the record, if "he" ever does come to be his name will be Brendan. As for the social security number, you will never know!
One of the many things that comes with any child turning two is the thought of potty training. This is one step out of babyhood that I am so looking forward to. As hard as it can be to train a child, the payoff is great! NO MORE DIAPERS!!!!!!!!!!!! Although I think we will wait to start Katie until after the holidays, just the thought of it only being a couple of months away is nice.
Katie is starting to talk a lot. She has the sweetest voice. I love to hear her say "Mama". She calls Emily, "Emee" and our cats Joey and Pal, "Goey and Mal". She is definitely Daddy's little girl. It is so cute to watch her run to the door screaming with delight, "DADDY"!
She has a great personality and it is really starting to show. She is the typical two year old with the "my way or the highway" attitude and those of you who have seen her lately are familiar with her infamous �laser looks". She is very smart, very determined and even a little stubborn. Sometimes, she will just run up to me in the middle of the day and give me a hug and a kiss. This makes my whole day. She is very laid back and easy going and has the most infectious laugh.
Katie is a joy and she brings us as many reasons if not more to be thankful this Thanksgiving as she did on the one when she was born!

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