" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2003-12-27 Christmas Review

Christmas was...nice. I was right about the Disney trip. My parents bought us all a trip to Disney...for Juy 24-31, 2004. SO, Ryun and I will not be going (due July 20, remember?). So, that kind of stinks but I am so happy that I will have a new baby that it makes up for it.

The girls were spoiled by Santa...and everyone else, lol. It so much fun having kids on Christmas morning...the excitement and the wonder is just amazing.

Emily got a gazillion barbie things, including a pregnant one. She came with a husband of course...got to instill good moral values in the kids of the world today you know. And no, I am not being sarcastic.

Katherine's favorite toy was her fantasy pony castle type thing. She has been playing with it non-stop.

Dinner at Marie and Pete's (Mom and Dad) was great as usual. We went to Ryun's Uncle's for desert and present-opening. It was nice, kind of different though without Ryun's grandmother there.

My parents have volunteered to take our kids on New Year's Eve so we are trying to decide what to do. I am kind of thinking something low-key this year but we shall see.

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