" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2004-11-03 Election Observations

1. John/John: You lost. I voted for you, and I am disappointed but, thank you for doing the right, and honrable thing by conceding. Thank you for not making this another "2000."

2. To the close-minded Republicans of the world(not all of you just some, and a few particular people I have in mind specifically): I am a Democrat. You are a Republican. We are different. I am not wrong for feeling the way I do, neither are you. Get off your high and mighty horse. You are not superior.

3. And just in general: I seriously doubt that the war on terror will ever be won. There will always be people who hate this country. It would be unrealistic to even think that there could ever be a way to "eliminate the hate" altogether, by any means.

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