" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words


The people that own the bogs directly in front of my house have put up this obnoxiously huge Bush/Cheney sign out on the edge of 28. Randomly throughout the day, cars drive by and beep and I swear to Bob they are beeping at the sign. Once in a while(pre-sign), a horn would beep. Now it seems like every 1/2 hour or so I hear "BEEEEP! BEEEEEEEEP!"

It's kind of getting annoying, especially since if I had my way it would be a sign saying Kerry/Edwards. But yeah. Aggravating. Stop beeping, especially those of you driving MAC trucks that have a horn loud enough to rival the train's whistle.

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