" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2004-09-09 Cast

Cast of "characters", in no particular order.

Mom/Mimi: Obviously, that would be my mother. She's great. We get along most of the time and she has helped me out in one way or another numerous times. She is a wonderful grandmother to my kids and they just adore her.

Dad/Papa: My father. No, really I am not kidding. My father has to be one of the funniest people I know. He has the best sense of humor and always seems to be in a good mood. I look just like him and our personalities are quite similar. He is so laid back and easy-going...it's hard to imagine anyone not getting along with him. As a grandfather to my kids...put simply, he's the best.

Ryun: My husband. We have been together for 8 years, married for 6. He is probably the smartest person I know. He has an incredible memory and can fix just about anything. Oh, and I must say he is strikingly handsome!

Emily, Katherine, an Julia: My three children. The center of my universe, the lights of my life. Absolutely no one or nothing is more important to me than these three "characters." And characters they are. They make me laugh, they make me cry, they make me proud, most important they make me what I am. A mother. Life without them would hold no meaning.

Suzanne: My sister and without a doubt my best friend. We are very close and I just love her to pieces. She lives about an hourand one half away or so, but we try to get together as often as we can to shop, see a movie, or just talk. She spoils my girls rotten, but that's an aunt's job, right? She is also Emily's godmother.

John: Suzanne's husband...my brother-in-law-Katherine's godfather. Makes all my drinks for me at parties and does a damn good job. He is a great friend, from my persepctive a wonderful husband, and an awesome uncle. What more could you want?

Heather: My sister-Katherine's godmother. Love her to death and mostly, we get along well. I don't see or talk to her as often as I would like...she is away at school a couple of hours from home.

Michael: The "boy next door" literally. I have known Michael for 27 of my 29 years! He was the best man in my wedding and is Emily's godfather. His wife Kelly is my close friend and his son Nate is Katherine's age. They get along famously. There newest addition to the family is Jacqueline(Jackie). She is just two months older than Julia.

Kelly: Michael's wife and my good friend. We get together usually about once a week (with or without the kids) to catch up and just chat about life. We were born four days apart.

Doug: A former friend's former boyfriend...and so much more. We reconnected online after not talking for ten plus years. Oddly enough, back in highschool, I never would have guessed that we would ever talk again...we barely even talked then. My how things change. Although time has not allowed us to talk as often as I would like, I still feel close to him. He is a great listener, offers good advice, and and is someone I am very happy to call a friend.

Mike: A college "fling". A great person, still a good friend, and the best party person I have ever known. He's crazy...in a good way though, and I can't imagine him any other way.

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