" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2003-12-12 Family

So, we had a "thing" for Ryun's grandmother. It was a "thing" because it wasn't a funeral or a wake...it was just a "thing." We went to the crematory...had a few minutes to say goodbye and then...the watched them push the casket in to the oven. It was a very different experience but it was how she wanted it so that's what was done.

Ryun's mother came. Someday I will write about that "relationship" but for now suffice it to say that Ryun hasn't talked to her in three years or more, and she hasn't talked to any family members(her mother ...Ryun's grandmother included) for at least a couple of years.

Anyway, she flipped out...screaming and kicking...like a two year old having a temper tantrum...and basically had to be carried out by Ryun and her brother Adam. The woman is insane. I was horrified, as was everyone else. I mean who is she to flip? She hasn't given anyone the time of day for years...including her own mother and she thinks she has the right to cause a scene? I felt bad for Ryun and his sister. When you look at where they came from...the fact that they turned out to be such wonderful people is nothing short of a miracle. Thank God for their grandparents. I am proud of both of them...for overcoming and moving past the disgrace that was their childhood.

Sometimes, until you are really reminded, you forget just how lucky you are.

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