" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2003-11-19 household cleaning tricks

I typed this whole entry and it disappeared. HATE when that happens. So here is an abbreviated version of what I had to say.

Michael Jackson has a warrant out for child molestation. This does not suprise me at all. That "man" has some issues. Real issues. And he obviously is not playing with a full deck. Who would dangle their kid off the edge of a balcony? He's f'd.

Also, on a more positive note, gay/lesbian marriage was legalized in MA yesterday. I am totally for it. Equal rights all around. There should be no other way.

I cleaned the house top to bottom today and it looks great. I swear that it is impossible to keep it looking this way when you have kids. Or next to impossible. Any one know any tricks?

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