" The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family." ~Thomas Jefferson~
My Life In Words

2003-11-04 Richie and Dean

Katherine got her first preschool progress report today. She did very well...got the highest score in all areas. And no, I am not over the fact that she is even old enough to get a report. Seriously where does the time go?

I was going to upload some photos from the Halloween party but, I don't like how I look in them so I am not going to. Heh. I did look just like Velma though.

I really love my new layout. It just looks more...professional I think. I don't know. Maybe I like it just because I did it all by myself. Either way...

Want to hear something sick? I have almost all of my Christmas shopping for the kids done. What's up with me being so organized? I still have everyone else to do but still, being almost done with my kids a month and a half before Christmas is pretty impressive. Don't you agree?

CD MUST PURCHASE: Lonestar's Greatest Hits. It 's awesome. That, and Dean looks really hot on the cover. So does Richie for that matter.

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